Advanced settings for tasks

The Advanced Settings panel in task creation offers several important configuration options:

  1. Input Type:

    • Options: Single File or Multiple Files

    • Defines the number of input files for the task

    • Only applicable to individual tasks or the first task in a workflow

  2. Supported File Types:

    • Enter file extensions separated by commas (e.g., png,jpg)

    • Leave blank to support all file types

    • Only applicable to individual tasks or the first task in a workflow

  3. Parameters:

    • Set runtime parameters for the task

    • Supports multiple parameters

    • Default values can be specified in the task

    • Can be modified when adding the task to a workflow

    • Option to allow or restrict user modifications

    • Accessed in the task function through the second argument

  4. Environment Variables:

    • Set runtime environment variables for the task

    • Only available for server-tasks

    • Used for storing sensitive data

    • Accessed in the task using process.env

These advanced settings provide greater flexibility and control over task execution and input handling.

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